Jun 17, 2022
This week, Jordan reviews a comic he happened upon while mindlessly scrolling on social media and it changed his life!
StarFell is a 1960s sci-fi/horror experience set in a little town full of history and dark secrets! Levi is still dealing with the death of his dad year's later while living with his grandmother and working for Mr. Frank's at his shop. If dealing with death wasn't hard enough for a kid, it looks like the thing that started the chain reaction to the demise of his father is turning the animals and people of StarFell into mutants and monsters!
It's Stranger Things meets The Fly meets that one time Spider-Man actually turned into a human-sized spider!
Visit StarFell Studios on Facebook and Instagram (@starfell_studios) and download issue 1 digitally for FREE! Be sure to also check out their Kickstarter and make issue 2 a reality!